With an integrated screen and on-board software, this bluetooth Pip-Boy has everything you need!

This one of a kind gadget includes on-board software and hardware systems, functioning knobs, dials and buttons while connected to your phone, tablet, PS4 and X-Box One.

Not only does it provide all that you need for a top-notch experience with Fallout 4, but it also serves as an alarm clock!

This model is designed for comfort. It’s interior foam lining comfortably straps and snaps onto your arm weighing only 2 pounds!

A RoBCo industries stand/ charging base/ enhanced speaker is also included, as well as a “holotape” USB drive.

All encased in a durable industrial vault tech lock box!

We have also included the s.p.e.c.i.a.l. posters that were part of another special edition set!