Kimba the White Lion (known in Japan as Jungle Emperor) is a manga from the 1950s that was later made into an anime in the 1960s. The story has gotten films and adaptations since then, and has most recently had the spotlight over the controversy with Disney’s The Lion King and the parallels the two share. The original story followed Kimba through his struggles and his adventure to bring peace to the animals and humans of the jungle. Well after the initial tv show and film in the 60s, the creator had passed away, and the shows and films created afterwards changed the story more and more in each iteration.

Unico is a manga made in the 1970s that received animated adaptations in the end of the 70s/early 80s. Unico is a unicorn that possesses a special ability to bring happiness to anyone near him. The story has many roots into Greek Mythology, with references to Psyche, the Trojan Horse, Zephyrus, and more. Sanrio was able to publish two movies with Unico, the Fantastic Adventures of Unico and Unico in the Island of Magic.