Jurassic park is an American science fiction media franchise based around an attempt of a theme park with cloned dinosaurs. In 1990, the book’s rights (before it was even published) was bought by Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment to within 3 years release the film adaptation!

By 2000, this franchise had made it to becoming the “highest-grossing media franchises of all time”! By this time, Jurassic park has been created into 5 films, with a sixth one coming out this summer!

Keep your eyes peeled for Jurassic World: Dominion this year!

Jurassic Park Series 1 is the first Jurassic Park toy line and created by Kenner. They originally released 5 figures that appeared with a black background behind the bubble.

The background, shortly after, was changed to the ever-popular “sunset/jungle” background.