In October 1994 the first episode of Gargoyles aired, created by Greg Weisman there were three seasons that aired from 1994-1997. Having Disney’s backing the show had one of the biggest budgets for an animated TV show at the time.
The first two seasons of the show aired on Disney Channel, but the third season aired on ABC with the new name of the Goliath Chronicals.

With the show’s budget it was no wonder that the graphics were top of the line, although the show’s biggest draw was using many of the voice actors from Star Trek Next Generation, with names like that it was no question why the show was so popular so quickly.

With the show’s budget it was no wonder that the graphics and voice over were top of the line for the era.
The biggest draw was in 1995 with the Star Trek

During it’s prime they had serveral toy lines that came out;
In 1995 Kenner picked up the line for a short lived time, as they became too expensive to produce. Burger King also realeased a toy line, and Milton Bradly released a board game.
More recently Funko relseased a series of Pop! Vinyls.

This short lived Disney Cartoon quickly became a cult classic with only 78 epidsodes.
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