Cuphead is a Run and Gun video game published by StudioMDHR in 2017. The animation style was inspired by the 1930s rubber hose style of animation done by Disney. It was originally released for PC and Xbox before getting ported to MacOS and more recently, the Nintendo Switch.
Run and Gun is a subgenre of the Shoot ‘em Up style of game. In the run and gun style play the player fights on foot, sometimes with the ability to jump and move multi directional movements. In these style games use side scrolling, vertical scrolling or isometric viewpoints.
In the game you play solo as Cuphead or cooperatively as both Cuphead and Mugman, more recently they released a DLC where you can play as Mugman in the solo game. The game is a series of boss fights with run and gun levels set in three different world, the final world being with the Devil himself. You have infinite lives and you do not lose your acquired equipment in between deaths.
The game is known to be excruciatingly frustrating, with boss fights feeling nearly impossible, but overall, it was such a well received game players fall in love with the frustratingly difficulties of the game.