If you were a teenage girl in the 90s (or like me, you had an older sister who was) you probably remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While the original show was absolutely amazing (except that last season… we don’t talk about that one) The Angel spinoff gave us new perspectives on some of the most hated characters, like really, Cordelia how are you actually not awful in this series?
In the spin off we follow Angel who has decided to take a break from being a killer and starts to help people instead. Him, Cordelia and Doyle open up Angel Investigations to “help the helpless.” During the course of the show you see some characters from the original show, Darla, Wesley, Drusilla, even Spike and Buffy make a few appearances.
The show gave us exactly what we wanted; more Angel.
Have you seen Angel? Did you also cry in episode “hero”?